CRA Style Guide

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This page sets out the style for CRA signage, as well as signalling requirements for new stations. The style can be varied or disregarded entirely at certain stations, where other design factors/signage may conflict with it, but this is the default.

Platform signage

Each platform should have a welcome sign, a "press button" sign and a direction sign. Usually these are positioned left of, above and right of the spawning button respectively. Additional signs (where required) might include labels for buttons where multiple destinations are available from a single platform.

Welcome sign

&FWelcome to

If the station name is short, line 3 can be blank; if it's long, the name might start on line 2.

Press button sign

&FPress button
&Fto request

The first code should be the line colour. The line name is in bold capitals. When only one train is spawned (e.g. at a terminus) line 4 can be varied to "train".

Direction sign

&Ftrains towards

Line 1 is the direction of travel from this station. If trains from this platform run to only one station, line 2 can be varied to "&Ftrains to". If the destination name is long, it might start on line 3.

Example of button indicator sign

&F&L⬋ Vibe City
&F(via Linton)
&F&LLakelands ⬊
&F(via East Mesa)

Design can be varied according to placement, local requirements etc.

Wayfinding signage

Routes around multi-platform stations should be indicated using wayfinding signs. Destinations should be shown in relevant colours (e.g. "EW Mainline" should be in lime text). Arrows can be copied from this list: ⬅ ⬆ ⬇ ➡ ⬋ ⬉ ⬈ ⬊ ⬌ ⬍ - other arrow characters are likely to render poorly, incorrectly or not at all in-game.