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Over the years, the lore surrounding Bilbo the Cat has grown massively. Below is some of that lore.

Bilbo Facts

Bilbo is a round, orange boy who lives with his mum Ellen in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He is 5 years old and has nearly 100 thousand friends on Twitter. As well as delighting his fans with his photos, tweets and podcast, he is now writing a bbook.

Unacceptable Nicknames

On 26th May 2019, Bilbo posted[1] a non-exhaustive list of unacceptable nicknames. They are as follows:

  • Bibulon
  • Blibo
  • Bibolb
  • Bolbi
  • Blibo (Repeated in original)
  • Bob
  • Blimpo
  • Blepo
  • Bopingo (Removed as of 14th March 2020)
  • Blemphis
  • Bilborossa

As of 14th March 2020, Bilbo removed[2] Bopingo from the unacceptable nicknames list.

  1. @thegoodcatboy (26 May 2019), [Unaceptable ,nicknams](Tweet)
  2. @thegoodcatboy (14 March 2020), [durign this dificult time ...............bopingo is no logner on the UNACEPTABLE NICKNAMES LIST](Tweet)