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== Welcome to the Bilbcraft Wiki! ==
此役,艾顿14投8中,以57%的命中率攻进19分,22个篮板中有多达9个是进攻篮板,为太阳提供了很多次二次进攻的机会,毫无疑问是球队可以赢下这场胜利的功臣。 赛后,就连保罗(Chris Paul)也盛赞了艾顿。 保罗表示,是艾顿帮助球队取得这场价值连城的胜利,下赛季,他绝对值得一份顶薪合同! [https://nygaard-peacock.blogbright.net/common-cool-japan-jin-ji-de-ju-ren 鬼灭之刃漫画] ,艾顿真的是打出身价了。<br /><br />现在,太阳需要做的就是调整心态,争取在客场拿下Game 6! 最后,你们认为太阳可能将本轮系列赛拖至抢七大战吗? 雄鹿三巨头合砍88+20+24 布克空砍40分 太阳主场4分惜败 雄鹿率先取得赛点! 联盟与球员工会达成共识 下赛季将保留附加赛赛制 近日,NBA官方公布,联盟与球员工会就附加赛(Play in Tournament)达成了一致,下赛季将保留附加赛赛制。<br /><br />” 不得不说,杨的确是一名很出色的球员,年纪轻轻就成为了老鹰少当家,而且目前还带领球队杀入了东区半决赛。 不过,杨的打法一直备受质疑,篮网主教练纳什(Steve Nash)曾公开炮轰杨喜欢假摔,并认为篮球并不应该这样打,这是对篮球的侮辱。 但事实上,正如恩比德所说,虽然可能会遭到球迷的投诉,但制造犯规只不过是一种得分方式,而且同时还能令对手陷入犯规麻烦。 CP3: 艾顿不是数据型球员 他对球队非常重要 毫无疑问,太阳绝对是本赛季季后赛打得最出色的球队之一,他们先是在首轮以大比分4-2战胜了卫冕冠军湖人。 然后在西区半决赛中,太阳目前已经以大比分3-0领先由新科MVP得主约基奇(Jokic)领军的金块,晋级形势一片明朗!<br /><br />事实上,NBA此前也曾尝试过室外比赛,但也因为上述原因而取消了。 如今,这项计划再次被提出,不知道此次能否真正落实? 考辛斯考虑加盟CBA 他可是曾经的联盟第一中锋啊!<br /><br />对于这笔续约,有的人十分看好,并认为小波特的天赋是显而易见的,未来必成大器。 不过,也有人认为小波特曾经遭遇过大伤,如果他未来无法保持健康,那金块的处境将会变得很尴尬。 新赛季,在穆雷还会缺席一段时间的情况下,小波特需要挺身而出,帮助约基奇分担一定的进攻责任。 恩比德谈西蒙斯离队传闻:我希望他留下 他对我们来说很重要<br /><br />首发五虎全部得分上双,这是老鹰获胜的关键。 尼克这边作出了调整,罗斯首发出战并砍下全场最高的30分,可惜这依然无法带领球队取得胜利。 如果尼克想赢球,两个被寄予厚望的新星兰德尔和巴雷特(RJ Barrett)需要挺身而出才行,此役俩人的手感都不好。<br /><br />若是少了他,老鹰显然无法阻击实力明显强于自己的雄鹿! 末节独得20分 多过老鹰全队的17分 米德尔顿成为近13年来的第一人! 本场比赛,老鹰在杨(Trae Young)攻进35分的情况下,一直紧紧咬着比分。 事实上,在前三节,比分差距一直都没有超过个位数。 直到决胜时刻的第四节,米德尔顿在短短4个进攻回合射进4颗三分球,个人打出一波12-0的进攻高潮,彻底打蒙了老鹰。
Bilbcraft is a Minecraft Java Edition server for fans of Bilbo the Cat, and has been running since February 2020. It currently operates on version 1.16.4. The server is predominantly a standard survival multiplayer game, with additional functionality provided for [[Transportation|transportation]] and quality of life.
=== Getting Started ===
[[File:Spawn Square.png|thumb|right|Spawn Square]]
You'll begin your journey in [[Spawn Village|Spawn Village]], a wide metropolis with many shops to buy things from, free public transportation, and many places to explore. From here you can either use the light rail to explore the city or the main train lines to explore the Bilbcraft universe as a whole.
=== Featured Build ===
The current Featured Build is [[Stripelet's Museum]] in Cosán. The official opening is at 6pm BST on Friday 5th June 2020 ''([https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20200605T200000&p1=919 Time Zone Converter])''.
=== Transportation ===
|title=Central Station services
|title bg color=#dd1111
CONTfq_orange\BAHN~~[[North-South Mainline]]
CONTfq_lime\BAHN~~[[East-West Mainline]]
\TRAM~~[[Spawn Subway]] (both lines)
\PORTAL~~Portals to The Nether and The End
\ELYTRA~~Elytra hub
\ANCHOR~~Canal access (via roads)
A large and growing rail transport network serves each cardinal axis on the map, predominantly operated by the [[Central Rail Authority]].
[[Central Station]] is the hub for rail, subway, portal, Elytra and freight transport in the overworld, and has canal access within 50 metres.
For more details on transportation on Bilbcraft, see the [[Transportation]] page.
=== Useful links ===
* [http://bilbo.cat/craft Official Bilbcraft webpage]
* [http://ellenfromnowon.co.uk/discord Discord server (use channel #bilbcraft)]
* [http://craft.bilbo.cat:8023/ Web map for Bilbcraft]
* [[Geoguessr|Geoguessr page]]
=== Editing this Wiki ===
If you're a member of the server, feel free to create an account, then edit and create pages. Visit [[Special:AllPages]] to see what's already here.

Latest revision as of 08:03, 7 October 2021

Welcome to the Bilbcraft Wiki!

Bilbcraft is a Minecraft Java Edition server for fans of Bilbo the Cat, and has been running since February 2020. It currently operates on version 1.16.4. The server is predominantly a standard survival multiplayer game, with additional functionality provided for transportation and quality of life.

Getting Started

Spawn Square

You'll begin your journey in Spawn Village, a wide metropolis with many shops to buy things from, free public transportation, and many places to explore. From here you can either use the light rail to explore the city or the main train lines to explore the Bilbcraft universe as a whole.

Featured Build

The current Featured Build is Stripelet's Museum in Cosán. The official opening is at 6pm BST on Friday 5th June 2020 (Time Zone Converter).


Central Station services
North-South Mainline
East-West Mainline
Spawn Subway (both lines)
Portals to The Nether and The End
Elytra hub
Canal access (via roads)

A large and growing rail transport network serves each cardinal axis on the map, predominantly operated by the Central Rail Authority.

Central Station is the hub for rail, subway, portal, Elytra and freight transport in the overworld, and has canal access within 50 metres.

For more details on transportation on Bilbcraft, see the Transportation page.

Useful links

Editing this Wiki

If you're a member of the server, feel free to create an account, then edit and create pages. Visit Special:AllPages to see what's already here.